What Are End-of-Life Doulas?![]() by Eve Glickman
End of Life Doulas are now featured on WebMD! This article educates readers about the role of EOL Doulas, as well as where to find and how to choose one. Merilynne Rush is quoted and The Dying Year is mentioned. What a wonderful way to educate the public and promote EOL Doulas and their meaningful work! Read the full article here. |
The End of Life Doula![]() by Merilynne Rush
The American Society on Aging's monthly publication Gernerations took on end of life doulas in this piece by Merilynne Rush that includes how to work with doulas and how to find them, as well as an in-depth look at what this care looks like and why it is necessary in today's mosaic of health care choices and needs. Read the full article here. |
End-of-Life Doulas
Wednesday Discussion Group 12 pm EDT, 9 am PDT
End-of-Life Doula Training
Our 6-week online training: Tuesdays, April 1 - May 6, from 4:00 - 7:30 pm EST |
Advance Care Planning Respecting Choices® First Steps Facilitator training: April 16th Now open For all types of care providers. Learn to help others designate a healthcare advocate, discover and share their wishes with them, and complete an Advance Directive. This is an excellent skill for EOL doulas, spiritual and healthcare providers, social workers. Emphasizes conversation rather than simply "filling out a form." |
Home Funeral Guide Training
Caring for Our Own Dead
I was drawn to take The Dying Year end-of-life doula training because of the the course content and the out loud way white supremacy and racism are called out on the website. The course has been far and away the most comprehensive doula training I’ve received (and I’ve taken many). I feel more prepared to do this work because of the prep material, the ways in which we engaged with the material during class and the supportive environment. I almost never “rate” things but this program is so comprehensive and so well conducted that I want to express my gratitude for being included. So 5 stars! -Donna McClurkan, 2023
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